For too long has the UMP been the undisputed king of PUBG SMGs. Now rebranded as the UMP45 instead of the UMP9 thanks to its ammo type change, Update #27 nerfed the overall magazine capacity of the UMP from 30/40 to 25/35. A slight change, but one which will be felt during closer-ranged encounters. UMP9 - Characteristics & Tips Weapon Characteristics & Tips Great Weapon for Close Range Combat. The UMP9 is a great weapon for close quarters combat thanks to its low recoil and relatively high damage, capable of taking down enemies with ease.
Weapon Base Stats Weapon:,DMG,VELOCITY,RANGE,TBS,DPS,Firing Spread,ADS Mod,Spread ADS Standing,Spread ADS Crouch,Spread ADS Prone,Recoil Gain,Recoil ADS Mod,Recoil. Yet another popular request - the Vector guide. The strongest SMG for rushing a building and a dream to use at close quarters combat. This guide will tell yo. UMP now uses 45.acp instead of 9mm. Vector now uses 9mm instead of 45.acp. Gun Play Optimization. For this patch, FPS would not affect the rate-of-fire. Improved Vaulting Animation Quality. Made improvements to the vaulting animation for the movement to appear more natural. Updates for 4VS4 MATCH.
If you're looking for the latest PUBG weapon stats, we've got you covered. Take a delve into our in-depth weapon guide below. Keep in mind that whilst all of the basic data is provided on this page, you will need to visit our weapon guides section to learn more about the pros and cons of each weapon.
Before we begin, let's first go over the different stats we have measured the weapons by. Because the data in PUBG is always changing, it's often hard to get accurate stats on some details about each weapon in the game.
As a result, we've hand picked the stats that can help you to determine how useful a weapon can be in different situations.
If you'd rather look at the stats without reading this information click the arrow below.
PUBG Weapon Damage
This stat simply explains how much damage each bullet will do to another player. This can be affected by the area you shoot a player, and the armor a player is wearing. For example, shooting a player in the arm will do less damage than the chest. Shooting a player with level 3 armor will do less damage than a player with level 1 armor. The damage of a weapon is also modified by the bullet velocity and distance between you and a player. More on that later.
This stat is useful for determining how much damage you can do to a player if you hit every shot. It's a good stat for gauging how useful a weapon can be in close quarters where missed shots are less likely to happen.
PUBG Zeroing
Whilst damage may drop off at a certain range, the zeroing tool, (which can be used with page-up and page-down), can be used for further distances. This can often be used to help you determine how far a gun can fire and still remain relatively accurate, even if the damage does drop off.
This is once again a good stat to know about when coming into contact with a player up close. Usually, the damage/second stat can be used instead, however.
Bullet Velocity
Out of all of the PUBG weapon stats in this guide, this one is the most important. It's important for a number of reasons and we use it to replace some details that are hard to track. This includes bullet drop-off range, bullet spread, bullet travel time, and more. Details about what this stat includes and how we grade it are provided below.
- Firstly, the higher the bullet velocity, the less you'll need to lead your shots.
- Secondly, the higher the bullet velocity, the less spread a weapon will typically have.
- Thirdly, the higher the bullet velocity, the less bullet drop you have to account for.
- Finally, the higher the bullet velocity, the further distance your weapon can fire before damage drop-off.
To keep things as simple as possible, we've created a bullet velocity score that can grade weapons on all of the stats above at once. This allows players to get a quick glance at how effective a weapon can be at range. It uses the AWM as a control score. Our score used to rate weapons can go from 0% to 150%. Currently, the best score is 101%, which is used on the AUGA3.
Aimpunch Hit Impact
We've created another score to determine how effective a weapon can be at causing your camera to jitter when getting shot it. In Counter Strike, this is called aimpunch, so we've called our system the Aimpunch hit impact score. Once again, this is rated out of 150%. Currently, the best score is the AWM with 80%.
Fire Modes
This tells you what fire modes a weapon uses.
Ammo Type
Use this to quickly know what ammo type a weapon uses.
Base Ammo Capacity
Use this to determine how many rounds a weapon can hold per reload.
PUBG Weapon Stats Guide Summary
Feel free to browse through our comprehensive database. Click on each of the pictures below to be taken to each of the corresponding categories.

Overview of all PUBG SMGS

The tommy gun can be a great SMG due to its high damage and reasonable long ranged accuracy. If you can’t manage to deal with the lack of ironsights, you could always get the UMP instead. When it comes to pure damage per second, the Vector is the king. With an extended mag and tactical stock, the Vector just can’t be beaten in close quarters. The Uzi is, unfortunately, quick lacking.
Read our full PUBG SMG guides below:
Overview Of all PUBG Snipers
The sniper class is an interesting category in PUBG. At the forefront, you have the AWM and M24 – these are two very powerful weapons. Despite their very high damage per shot, they still struggle to perform well if you miss that all-important headshot. In fact, the Winchester works out as a better alternative when it comes to pure damage per second. Use your snipers to get those important first hits and then finish off with your assault rifle.
Read our full PUBG sniper guides below:
Overview of all PUBG DMRS
Ump Dmg Pubg Game
Both the MK14 and the SKS can be very viable weapons in many circumstances. At close range, these weapons can shred through enemies very quickly. They have decent accuracy which means you can essentially spam fire them in first person. In fact, both the SKS and MK14 can do more DPS than any SMG. Their recoil does cause some concern, so make sure to kit these bad boys out with suitable attachments to help lower recoil.
The Mini-14 is a poor performer in this category. The damage output is too low. It does, however, have the fastest bullet speed for a DMR, so if bullet drop is your arch nemesis, you may appreciate it. Finally, the VSS is an oddball – it should be treated more like a step between an SMG and an assault rifle, as opposed to a AR/Sniper hybrid.
Read our full PUBG DMR guides below:
Overview of all PUBG Assault Rifles
What’s interesting to note about the assault rifles is that all 7.62 weapons and all 5.56 weapons share the same damage rates. 7.62 weapons do 49 damage per hit, whereas 5.56 weapons do 44 damage per hit. What really matters when it comes to the performance of an assault rifle in PUBG is its weapon speed and recoil. The Groza and AUG are obvious top contenders.
If you can’t get your hands on an airdrop weapon, the M416 is a beast when used with a full attachement loadout.
Also consider that the M16A4 has the highest fire damage per second besides the airdrop weapons – you’ll need to spam the burst fire mode to out damage other ARs, which ultimately isn’t effective at longer distances. The AK-47 is a good option for close quarter situations as well.
Overview of all PUBG Shotguns
In their current state, the shotguns in PUBG just aren’t fit enough for combat. There are very, very few circumstances where a shotgun can outperform an SMG. This is due to their high spread – hitting enough shells to knock down an enemy in one shot is difficult. If you don’t one-shot-KO a player, chances are they’ll have knocked you down by the time you get another shot out, unless you’re using the SK or the S686. But, ultimately, other weapons have faster time to kills at anything but point blank encounters. And for the sawed-off. Eurgh. Just don’t.
It’s rumored that a new shotgun attachment will be added soon that’ll make these weapons viable again. We’ll keep an eye out for that and will let you know if it gets released.
Overview of all PUBG Pistols
Right now, pistols solve very little purpose in PUBG. Ultimately, they are there for when you can’t find anything else. The revolvers have potential if you can hit a couple headshots, and the glock can be used effectively at close ranges when on full auto. However, all pistols in PUBG are essentially budget versions of other weapons. The revolvers are like weaker versions of the Winchester, the Glock is essentially a super nerfed UZI, and the other pistols lack enough damage to give them any potential.
PUBG LMGS And Crossbow
The M249, the DP-28, and the crossbow are essentially more fun than anything else. They provide some potential, but they are inconsistent. The DP-28, for example, can be powerful at 2-tapping players from afar, but it’s recoil means you have to give the weapon a lot of respect and patience.
The M249’s recoil is far too heavy hitting to go up against your average assault rifle. The crossbow actually does more damage per shot than both the M24 and the Kar98k – good look getting shots regularly at long distances though!
Thanks for taking the time to look through my PUBG weapon stats guide. I'll constantly update this with new changes as balancing updates are released. I'd like to give thanks for a few websites and sources that have helped me to collect information.
For those that would like to find their own stats, you can use my methods. I used a number of test methods to find out the stats for the DP-28, Win94, and R45. Here are some examples:
- To test bullet velocity: Shoot bullets against a vehicle tyre and compare the time it takes to hit the tyre to a weapon we know the values for. Footage was slowed 10x to be able to see the time of impact on the vehicle tyre.
- To test damage per second and bullet per second: Run three tests and track the milliseconds it takes to empty an entire magazine. Divide the milliseconds by the magazine size to find the bullet per second stat and by the damage of the weapon to find the damage per second.
Finally, I'd like to thank the following sources:
If you'd like more tips from me, make sure to follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. I also created a comprehensive PUBG tips and tricks list.
Ump Dmg Pubg Skins
UMP45 | |
Details | |
4/19/19 (Version: | |
Overview | |
Hit Damage | 41 |
360 m/s | |
Body Hit Impact Power | 7,000 |
100 - 300 | |
Time Between Shots | 0.092s |
Single, Burst, Auto | |
Burst Shots | 2 |
0.085 | |
Method | Magazine |
3.100s | |
Duration (Tactical) | 2.550s |
Common | |
Spread | |
Base | 5.50 |
0.20 | |
ADS Modifier | 0.05 |
20 | |
Crouch Modifier | 0.50 |
0.20 | |
Walk Modifier | 2.00 |
5.00 | |
Jump Modifier | 15.00 |
Deviation | |
2.30 | |
Base (Aim) | 2.00 |
0.20 | |
Recoil Gain | 1.00 |
0.85 | |
Recoil Gain (ADS) | 0.15 |
7.00 | |
Move Modifier Limit | 0 - 2 |
150 - 400 | |
Crouch Modifier | 0.85 |
0.69 | |
Recoil | |
Vert. Clamp | 0 - 5 |
15.00 | |
Vert. Recovery Clamp | 4.00 |
3.00 | |
Vert. Recovery Modifier | 0.50 |
12.00 | |
HOR. Tendency | +0.00 |
-0.30 | |
Right Max | 0.30 |
9.00 | |
Recovery Speed | 5.00 |
1.10 | |
Value Climb | 0.20 |
1.25 | |
Crouch Modifier | 0.80 |
0.70 | |
Sway | |
Pitch | 2.00 |
10.00 | |
Movement Modifier | 1.50 |
0.50 | |
Prone Modifier | 0.20 |
Camera DOF | |
30.00 | |
Near Range | 60.00 |
1.50 | |
Miscellaneous | |
Pickup Delay | 150 ms |
500 ms | |
Data | |
Ammo Type | .45 ACP |
25 | |
Extended Magazine Size | 35 |
500 | |
Attachment Points | 4 |
Submachine Gun | |
Firing Modes | Semi-auto, Burst-fire & Full-auto |
Modern submachine gun. | |
39 | |
Level 1 | 27.30 |
23.40 | |
Level 3 | 17.50 |
70.20 | |
Level 1 | 49.10 |
42.10 | |
Level 3 | 31.50 |
Note: Statistics pulled from

The UMP45 is a submachine gun type weapon in BATTLEGROUNDS.
The UMP, short for Universal Machine pistol, is a submachine gun designed by Heckler & Koch. The UMP is the successor to the MP5, though both are in service to this day. Widely adopted by police and governmental agencies, with wide adoption specifically amongst the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency, it also sees popularity with players as an well-rounded, balanced SMG with manageable recoil and decent firepower.
- 3Attachments
The UMP45 deals the second highest damage of all the SMGs, right behind the Tommy Gun, making it a very viable late-stage gun when fitted out with attachments. Its already small recoil can be reduced even further with a foregrip and compensator, and stealthy players can choose the suppressor instead of using the compensator.
“ | Modern submachine gun. | ” |
~ In-game description |
Update history
Update #39 (Season 6 - Update 6.3) - vN/AAn increase in power across the board, making the UMP a more viable choice for your arsenal.
- Weapon Balance Changes.
- Increased base bullet damage from 39 to 41.
- Increased rate of fire from 650 to 670.
- Increased muzzle velocity from 300 to 360.
- This means an increase to the speed at which bullets leave the barrel, making it a bit easier to track moving targets.
Update #31 (Season 4 - Update 4.1)
- Increased effective damage over distance for all SMGs.
- Slightly increased damage multipliers for SMGs:
- Torso 1.05 (previously 1.0), Limb 1.3 (previously 1.25).
Pre-release #27
- Weapon balance: UMP45
- The UMP9 has been rechambered to use 45ACP ammo and is now called the UMP45.
- Magazine capacity has been adjusted to 25 bullets by default and 35 with an extended mag (was 30/40).
- Gunshot sounds have been changed to be more realistic.
- Adjusted to be more effective in short range combat.
- Increased limb shots modifier.
- Slightly increased the damage of the UMP9.
- Decreased vertical recoil.
- Decreased recoil and scope sway when moving in ADS.
- Increased ADS transition speed.
- UMP now supports burst mode.
The following are attachable to this firearm:
Lower Rail -
Image | Name |
Angled Foregrip (AR, SMG, DMR) | |
Half Grip | |
Laser Sight | |
Light Grip | |
Thumb Grip | |
Vertical Foregrip |
Magazines -
Image | Name |
Extended Mag (Handgun, SMG) | |
Extended QuickDraw Mag (Handgun, SMG) | |
QuickDraw Mag (Handgun, SMG) |
Muzzle -
Image | Name |
Compensator (SMG) | |
Flash Hider (SMG) | |
Suppressor (Handgun, SMG) |
Sights -
Image | Name |
2x Aimpoint Scope | |
3x Backlit Scope | |
6x Scope | |
Canted sight | |
Holographic Sight | |
Red Dot Sight |
Master list
Ump Dmg Pubg Mobile
The following are all attachments available for this weapon. They are sorted alphabetically with no regard to the attachment point utilized.
Image | Name |
2x Aimpoint Scope | |
3x Backlit Scope | |
6x Scope | |
Angled Foregrip (AR, SMG, DMR) | |
Canted sight | |
Compensator (SMG) | |
Extended Mag (Handgun, SMG) | |
Extended QuickDraw Mag (Handgun, SMG) | |
Flash Hider (SMG) | |
Half Grip | |
Holographic Sight | |
Laser Sight | |
Light Grip | |
QuickDraw Mag (Handgun, SMG) | |
Red Dot Sight | |
Suppressor (Handgun, SMG) | |
Thumb Grip | |
Vertical Foregrip |
UI icon prior to update #27
Early access inventory tooltip
Early alpha inventory icon, note the straight magazine
Iron sight
Real-life counterpart
Ump Damage Pubg
- Prior to Update #27, the UMP45 was originally a UMP9, before being rechambered for .45 ACP and renamed as such, with the Vector now using 9mm ammo.
- The dry reload animation shows the user pulling the charging handle back and letting it go to reset it to its original position after inserting a new magazine, instead of pulling it back and up to lock it in place, replacing the magazine and then slapping the handle down to load the gun.
Weapon audio
Audio Type | Firing Mode | Track preview |
Normal | UMP single fire | |
Normal | UMP burst | |
Normal | UMP full-auto | |
Suppressed w/ QuickDraw | UMP single fire | |
Suppressed w/ QuickDraw | UMP burst | |
Suppressed w/ Extended QuickDraw | UMP full-auto | |
Reloading w/ QuickDraw | UMP reload |
Ump Dmg Pubg Launcher