- Mcdonald's Ethical Issues Ethics Of Mcdonalds Advertising
- Mcdonald's Ethical Issues Ethics Of Mcdonalds Workers
- Mcdonald's Ethical Issues Ethics Of Mcdonalds Employees
This paper reports on an investigation of issues surrounding the use of ethical codes/codes of conduct in Irish based companies. Using a comprehensive questionnaire survey, the paper examines the. Ethical Issue in Mcdonald 1976 Words 8 Pages Toys with Happy meal The Ethical Dilemma of McDonald’s McDonald’s currently faces a crisis, as parents, who objected to the free toys offered with the McDonald’s Happy Meal, sued the company. San Francisco passed a law banning free toys with food.
According to a CBC report (Tomlinson, 2014), a number of the restaurant’s franchises were found to be violating the Temporary Foreign Worker Program. One of the conditions of said program is that if even one Canadian worker applies for a job, they have to be hired before any foreign worker can be considered. In the mentioned case, the restaurants turned down more than 50 applicants and instead reserved the jobs for Filipino workers who had not yet arrived in Canada.McDonald’s is a very powerful company whose actions heavily influence people all throughout their supply chain, from the farmers who produce their beef to the employees that sell their burgers. Considering their worldwide workforce, they are the second largest employer in the private sector, only behind Walmart (McCarthy, 2015). This means that their actions not only can benefit society, such as when they create jobs, but they can also have a negative impact, such as when they underpay workers.Their sales also strongly depend on how the world perceives them. If there is a controversy surrounding them, their sales can be affected, which in turn may affect their multiple stakeholders. Thus, it is in their best interest to react accordingly in order to project a certain image that helps the
Autor: Maryam • September 20, 2018 • 1,692 Words (7 Pages) • 276 Views
Second, McDonalds should increase social moral on a conscience level, such as not profiting to harm customers, which is the bottom line for moral standards. Moreover, McDonalds food that was wasted added more costs and affected the managements’ bonuses. Management reported that you only gain profits when there is little waste; moreover, you can share with others. In the current marketing economy, most companies are emphasizing more of an interest rate, that is negatively impacting their morality. At this precise moment, the company should change the way it pays “bonuses” to management. The company should strengthen their ways of training their staff, and enhance their moral levels.
Third, the company should enhance their food safety rules/regulations. It should help to establish scientific and complete food safety standard systems. It should also strengthen punishments for those that harm the food security, such as “mete out more serious punishment”, fire the employee/management that acts against the rules/regulations, and to “confiscate the illegal employee/management wages”.
Four, McDonalds should train their employees/management, as it should illustrate the case above, that we can make the conclusion that McDonalds recruitment and training systems are not strict enough, especially for part-time workers, especially with lower requirements and the training does not seem to be enough. McDonalds can improve their candidates’ entry requirements and hold training classes for employee/management.

Proposal for Research
The proposal for research will be based on how to McDonalds can improve their food safety rules/regulations and how they can better market to their customers and still hold themselves above the competition. I am going to use the following method to do that:
- Research questions, such as Why McDonalds implements “safe” environmental foods?
- Survey about the demographics of customers, such as location, age, sex, etc.
- Survey about the demographics of what McDonalds offers, such as menu options.
- Survey about the demographics of what customers buy, such as Big Macs, Quarter Pounders, etc.
Research and Investigative Questions
This are the research and investigative questions I tend to ask and to gain answers and insight into McDonalds. The following questions will ensure that the company and customers deserve.
- Why does so many customers eat at McDonalds?
- Is McDonalds really cheaper than other competitors and do they always have low prices?
- Is McDonalds really about the environment, or more for themselves?
- Does McDonalds care about their customers, stakeholders, and so on?
- Is McDonalds really about the environment, or more for themselves?
- Does McDonalds care about their customers, stakeholders, and so on?
The past five decades McDonalds has transformed from a local mini-drive in shake, which served fresh patties, into a huge company that uses mass production methods to help produce and sell their products. The result is from international expansions (McDonalds, 2011), which has been a number of books, articles, and even documentaries that outline practices, which are deemed “unethical”. A great passage that comes to mind is 1 Corinthians 15: 33, which says this “Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” This passage talks about how companies “give” misleading information to the customers and other competitors. However, it becomes “dirty” data, as it contains “false” information. There are many things that can be done to address the “ethical” problems that have raised, especially by the companies’ behavior, such as laws, legal actions, and public pressure that arises from activists. A verse that comes to mind is 1 Corinthians 10:24, which says this “No one should seek their own good, but the good of others”. It basically means not to go be about our own goods, but the good of others, such as helping the economy, those less fortunate, and so on. The public awareness might be the most important tool yet. If we as individuals are aware about McDonalds practices and how they impact their customers’ health, the environment, such as pollution, and the culture change, then we can choose not to “support” McDonalds. With this action, hopefully we can shut down McDonalds and it would help to limit the impact of the company.
Works Citied
Biblica, Inc. (2011). 1 Corinthians 10:24. Retrieved June 02, 2017, from https://www.bible.com/bible/111/1CO.10.24
Biblica, Inc. (2011). 1 Corinthians 15:33. Retrieved June 02, 2017, from https://www.bible.com/bible/111/1CO.15.33
McDonalds. (2010-2017). McDonald's History. Retrieved June 02, 2017, from http://corporate.mcdonalds.com/mcd/our_company/mcdonalds-history.html
Mcdonald's Ethical Issues Ethics Of Mcdonalds Advertising
McDonalds. (2011). Standards of Business Conduct the Promise of the Golden Arches. SBC International, 1-25. Retrieved June 2, 2017.
McDonalds. (2016). McDonalds CORPORATION. Retrieved June 2, 2017, from http://corporate.mcdonalds.com/content/dam/AboutMcDonalds/Investors/2016%20Annual%20Report.pdf
Napoli, L. (2016, November 1). The Story of How McDonald’s First Got Its Start. Smithsonian.

New, S. (2015, July 24). McDonald's and the Challenges of a Modern Supply Chain. Retrieved June 02, 2017, from https://hbr.org/2015/02/mcdonalds-and-the-challenges-of-a-modern-supply-chain
Mcdonald's Ethical Issues Ethics Of Mcdonalds Workers
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