Games Magazine Hall of Fame
The Games Magazine Hall of Fame was created in 1984. Games must have been in production for at least 10 years.
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The Apples to Apples was the most recent inductee. The Hall of Fame is published annually in the Buyer’s Guide section of the December issue of Games Magazine.
Acquire (1962) Inducted in 1984 | Axis & Allies (1981) Inducted in 1994 | Blockhead! (1954) Inducted in 1986 | |
Bridgette (1970) Inducted in 1986 | Civilization (1980) Inducted in 1996 | Clue (1948) Inducted in 1984 | |
Diplomacy (1959) Inducted in 1984 | Dungeons & Dragons (1974) Inducted in 1984 | Magic: The Gathering (1993) Inducted in 2003 | |
Mille Bornes (1954) Inducted in 1991 | Monopoly (1935) Inducted in 1984 | Othello (1883) Inducted in 1984 | |
Missing Image Inducted in 1991 | Risk (1959) Inducted in 1984 | Scrabble (1948) Inducted in 1984 | |
Catan (1995) Inducted in 2005 | Sorry! (1934) Inducted in 1984 | Stratego (1947) Inducted in 1985 | |
Taboo (1989) Inducted in 2000 | Tribond (1989) Inducted in 2000 | Trivial Pursuit: Genus Edition (1981) Inducted in 1993 | |
Twister (1966) Inducted in 1991 | Twixt (1957) Inducted in 1985 Dropped in 1998* Reinstated in 2000* | Yahtzee (1938) Inducted in 1984 | |
Apples to Apples (1999) Inducted 2010 | Sleuth (1971) Inducted in 1986 Dropped in 1991** |
Source: Games Hall of Fame
*Source: The actual GAMES Magazine issues over the years. GAMES initially had a rule that the game had to be 'continuously in print', but over the years, several notable games went out of print. So Twixt was reinstated. There has never been an explanation as to why Sleuth was never reinstated.
**Since Sleuth was once added but then dropped, one could argue that it technically does not belong to this list.
NOTE: The years are what are listed on the GAMES Hall of Fame
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Games Magazine Hall of Fame
The Games Magazine Hall of Fame was created in 1984. Games must have been in production for at least 10 years.
The Apples to Apples was the most recent inductee. The Hall of Fame is published annually in the Buyer’s Guide section of the December issue of Games Magazine.
Acquire (1962) Inducted in 1984 | Axis & Allies (1981) Inducted in 1994 | Blockhead! (1954) Inducted in 1986 | |
Bridgette (1970) Inducted in 1986 | Civilization (1980) Inducted in 1996 | Clue (1948) Inducted in 1984 | |
Diplomacy (1959) Inducted in 1984 | Dungeons & Dragons (1974) Inducted in 1984 | Magic: The Gathering (1993) Inducted in 2003 | |
Mille Bornes (1954) Inducted in 1991 | Monopoly (1935) Inducted in 1984 | Othello (1883) Inducted in 1984 | |
Missing Image Inducted in 1991 | Risk (1959) Inducted in 1984 | Scrabble (1948) Inducted in 1984 | |
Catan (1995) Inducted in 2005 | Sorry! (1934) Inducted in 1984 | Stratego (1947) Inducted in 1985 | |
Taboo (1989) Inducted in 2000 | Tribond (1989) Inducted in 2000 | Trivial Pursuit: Genus Edition (1981) Inducted in 1993 | |
Twister (1966) Inducted in 1991 | Twixt (1957) Inducted in 1985 Dropped in 1998* Reinstated in 2000* | Yahtzee (1938) Inducted in 1984 | |
Apples to Apples (1999) Inducted 2010 | Sleuth (1971) Inducted in 1986 Dropped in 1991** |
Source: Games Hall of Fame
Hall Of Fameobey Games Free
*Source: The actual GAMES Magazine issues over the years. GAMES initially had a rule that the game had to be 'continuously in print', but over the years, several notable games went out of print. So Twixt was reinstated. There has never been an explanation as to why Sleuth was never reinstated.
**Since Sleuth was once added but then dropped, one could argue that it technically does not belong to this list.
Hall Of Fameobey Games Online
NOTE: The years are what are listed on the GAMES Hall of Fame