Turn & Mill Complete Machining Centers
Dmg Mori Ctx Beta 800 Tc
Highlights CTX beta 800 TC Complex turning and milling operations with ultra-compact turning/milling spindle and up to 20,000 rpm Turning and milling spindle compactMASTER with 12,000 rpm, 29.5 hp and 88.5 ft lb. Exclusive DMG MORI technology cycles available. 410 mm 550 mm 400 mm 6,000 rpm 35 kW (AC) 104 mm Details.

- CTX beta 800 TC with the Turn & Mill spindle compactMASTER®. The added value compared to a Universal Lathe: 100% turning, 100% milling and 100% more tools as.
- The CTX series defines the standard in the field of universal machining. The unique equipment in this machine class with a large number of high-tech components stands out. In addition to the extensive standard equipment, the Y-axis and a counter spindle can also be optionally integrated for more flexibility and complete machining.
- DMG MORI USA, Inc. CTX beta 800 TC. Turn & Mill Complete Machining Center PRODUCT Turning and milling spindle compactMASTER with 12,000 rpm, 29.5 hp and 88.5 ft lb.
Dmg Mori Seiki Nhx 4000
The turn-mill machines of the CTX TC and CTX TC 4A series represent the premium class of universal turning centers. Their counter spindle enables 6-sided complete machining. 5-axis simultaneous machining guarantees perfectly milled surfaces, even for complex workpieces. The combination of diverse technologies is one of the defining trends in modern manufacturing. The CTX TC sets new standards here with its 360° technology integration of turning, milling, gear cutting and grinding. Large tool magazines, automatic tool change and in-process measurement make the CTX TC series the ideal machine for automation solutions.