Q: So are you raising money for the full game?
Not yet. This current campaign is to fund and deliver the initial stages of game development - the exciting part where we discover how the game will work, look, sound and feel. Whatever we produce, funders will get: concept art, music, animations, physics tests, playable prototypes and alphas. Right now our current alpha is called STEGOBALL:

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in-game funding system that will take us all the way to the end, which is explained below:Q: So the final game will be FREE? Free-to-play is gross.
We know. Our goal is nothing short of re-inventing the F2P model, by introducing the concept of In-Game-Crowdfunding. Here are the basics:
1) On this site, people are currently contributing money towards the development of the game according to the current reward tiers. They are getting mostly out-of-game perks & rewards, since we don't have much of a game yet.
2) When Dino Run 2 is far enough along to warrant it, we will put all these existing funding tiers (and more) inside the game, and people will fund its development from within the game itself.
3) You will not be paying real money for extra content like playable dinos, new eras, temporary boosts, lootboxes or anything else that is typical F2P. Rather, you will get special in-game perks like multiplayer prestige (high rank + name treatments visible to all other players), and credit to spend on extensive customization unlocks like hats, skins, colors, species variations, special effects, etc.
4)Nothing is consumable, nothing is temporary. As you contribute more (in-game, or out-of-game on this site), the game will remember your total contribution and you will slowly gain more and more reward tiers and goodies within the game.
This funding model keeps the core features of the game free, which is important for a robust multiplayer experience and onboarding new players (and eventual funders), but also supports the development long term. As long as people are playing and supporting it, we will be improving and expanding it.
Q: Why aren't you using an established crowdfunding platform?
We are! We are covering all the bases: you can support our Patreon campaign right now, and earlier in 2018 we wrapped up a round of funding on Kickstarter. The funds from those 2 campaigns are rolled into this one. We maintain and update all the various ways of funding and promoting, but this one is the headquarters for our main operation.
Q: What's with the roadmap?
Dino Run 2 Another Unblocked Game Sites
This is the heart of our campaign, and we encourage everyone to click on it to explore the full-screen version. From here you'll be able to see exactly what we are targeting with each funding goal. If you click on Progress Report, you'll get a more detailed task list that details how we intend to achieve that goal.
Q: Is this all-or-nothing? What happens when I contribute money?
This campaign is NOT all-or-nothing. All contributions made through this site will be immediately charged / debited and you will instantly receive any rewards you qualify for, in addtion to access to the process of making Dino Run 2 and any deliverables it creates.
Q: I'd like to contribute now, and then more later if things are going well. What happens when I fund it more than once?
As long as you enter the same email address for both contributions, they will be totalled under a single 'funder' and your rewards will aggregate as well. For example if you contribute 10 now and 20 later, you will receive the 30 dollar tier if you use the same email address for both.
Q: I don't have the means to contribute money, can I help?
Of course! Sign up for Street Team membership and you will receive email updates with action items to help us promote this project to the world.
Dino Run 2 Another Unblocked Game Site
Q: What happens if you raise more than 75K?
We will add more milestones, all the way up to the full final game. We will also carry over this campaign to inside the game, as described above.
From now on, you can see a list of completely new mechanisms in RUN Unblocked, never seen in previous parts. The list includes: collapsing bricks, ramps, lights play and the possibility to get back to the tunnel you have recently left. It also has the shop, where using the ingame currency called power cells, you can purchase different upgrades and additional characters. To get these power cell, you need to play the game, and collect them during the run. There are no more bonuses from RUN Unblocked, and you will find no boxes in tunnels. The only way to get them is in bridge building, where you can get them using rings.
Choose any of two modes of RUN Unblocked: Explore mode and Infinite mode. Add them to other game features like Shop and Level editor, where different players have already created thousands of other levels and published them for access, and you will get the game of a dream. For more infortaion on Explore mode, you can visit the appropriate page.
Explore mode is the jewel of RUN Unblocked, telling you the story of the game (you can find it at the bottom of our web page). Playing Explore mode allow you to unlock winter and Halloween costumes, as well as several additional characters. As we said the game is really huge, but don`t worry, you won`t get lost. Refer to Galaxy`s map, showing all the available for exploration levels, which is available in the explore mode. For more information on Infinite mode, you can visit the appropriate page.
Infinite mode is made for people who like hardcore playing, it consists of randomly shuffled premade levels, so it`s logical that your result can`t be saved between levels, and you cannot continue later. Instead you task is to run as far as you can, pass as many levels at a time, as possible. This mode is endless, so if you somehow manage to pass all the levels, the game will repeat previous ones. This means that you can always beat you highest score. The main objective of Infinite mode is collecting in-game money, in the form of power cells, used for upgrades in future. If you are interested in the full list of Infinite Mode levels, you can find it in the Infinite Mode gallery, where every level has its own, unique ID number.
Dino Run 2 Another Unblocked Game Site
Let us speak a little bit about RUN Unblocked in-game shop in a more detailed way. Call it one more game mode, if you wish, as having objective to collect power cells for future purchase is kind of different type of fun. If we think so, than purchasing of updates is a real game: modify you running experience in both Explore and Infinite modes buying different costumes, boxes, and characters with special abilities.
This version of the game, RUN Unblocked, gives you a chance to create your own levels: use several types of tiles, changing their size and color, and other obstacle tools to create unique experience, and then use option to test your won-made game. With your every test play, the game editor will provide you with gameplay rout information, to allow you modify it, in case you don`t like something. Furthermore, you can create level set, which allow you to chain several levels, just like a tunnel. Create you little world and share with your friends!
To sum up, we present you a short story description in the Run unblocked, which is told in game mainly through cutscenes: the aliens leave their planet to study the tunnels, to find some other place to live, but as they get to the end, they find nothing, no other planet to live. Some of them, try to find a way back (they are led by Angel), while the second part of alien group (who is led by Runner) search for some other way through the space and time.
Together with showing us clear plot, RUN unblocked has given us new characters, while adding more personality to the old ones. With the Runner (default character), use other ten playable characters to help aliens. Some units can be unlocked finishing certain objectives, and if you don`t wish to wait, but want something new-buy them in the shop using power cells.
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