World of Warcraft Patch v4.0.6 - 4.0.6a (UK)
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Whiptail was spawning too quickly in Uldum after patch 4.0.6. The spawn time has been reduced. February 11 (Patch 4.0.6a) General Players are no longer encountering errors when having their items bid on in the Auction House. The Auctions tab also updates appropriately reflecting the bid. INFO Patch or Build is an update to the game files. Expansions (Patch X) are the most massive type of content patches, adding entire new continents, new playable races or classes, multiple zones, dozens of instances and other game features.
Here's a small incremental patch to manually update your U.K. PC edition client for World of Warcraft from version to version
ACTUALIZAR WOW A CATACLYSM MANUALMENTE CON LOS PARCHES 'NO ARCHIVOS MPQ' EXE! Hola esto es rapido vamos al grano chavales. Pues les traigo la solucion a los problemas de actualizar tu wow 3.3.5a bueno pues a cataclysm 4.0.6a. Salve a tutti:) scrivo questo post per mettervi al corrente di questo server di WoW. Come detto nel titolo supporta il cataclysm con versione fino a 4.3. Questi sono tutti i fix che sono stati fatti fin da quando ha aperto il server. Attualmente io gioco con altri 4 amici. Whats up hunters of world of warcraft! Welcome to my first cata hunter guide. I know that i messed up in a few spots here and there but it was mainly because it was all of the top of my head.
February 11 (Patch 4.0.6a)
* General
o Players are no longer encountering errors when having their items bid on in the Auction House. The Auctions tab also updates appropriately reflecting the bid.
* Classes
o Area-of-effect abilities such as Consecration, Efflorescence, Healing Rain, Holy Word: Sanctuary, Ring of Frost, and Smoke Bomb now function correctly when cast on any trapdoors (ala Cho'gall) or transports even while the caster is not standing on one of those same objects.

o Death Knights
+ Death and Decay no longer damages the death knight's currently selected friendly target when it does damage to nearby target dummies.
o Druids
+ Starfall no longer exceeds 20 stars within its duration.
+ Frost Nova, Tranquility, War Stomp, and Starfire are all properly scaled when used by or on a druid in Tree of Life form. The previous temporary hotfix which removed the ability to use War Stomp while in Tree of Life form has been reverted.
o Hunters
+ Auto Shot was not firing while the hunter was moving under certain conditions. Auto Shot should now always function correctly while the hunter is moving.
+ Having a melee weapon equipped no longer causes the tooltips for Cobra Shot and Steady Shot to incorrectly display extra benefit from haste.
+ The cooldown for Master's Call has been increased to 45 seconds, up from 35. In addition, it can now be dispelled.
+ The Warp Stalker ability Time Warp can no longer be used on paladins with the Divine Shield buff active.
o Mages
+ The Quad Core buff provided by the Sanctified Bloodmage 4-piece set bonus is now properly removed as soon as a spell is cast if the mage does not have 4 pieces of the set equipped.
o Paladins
+ Glyph of Dazing Shield correctly causes Avenger's Shield to daze the target, and only allows Avenger's Shield to trigger the dazed effect.
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+ The area-of-effect attack of Hammer of the Righteous no longer has a chance to miss secondary targets when the primary attack hits the paladin's target. If the primary attack of Hammer of the Righteous fails to hit the target due to miss/dodge/parry/block, no enemies will be affected by the area-of-effect attack. Rogues who are under Cloak of Shadows, however, are able to resist this damage.
+ The Warp Stalker (hunter pet) ability Time Warp can no longer be used on paladins with the Divine Shield buff active.
o Priests
+ Inner Focus can no longer be cast before the effect of its preceding spell completes (Inner Focus will only be applied to spells that are cast after it).
+ Sin and Punishment now works properly when two players of the same faction are fighting each other (including in Arenas). A string error may appear when the opponent is feared even though the talent functions correctly.
o Warlocks
+ All raid bosses are now properly immune to Suffering (Voidwalker taunt ability).
* Dungeons & Raids
o Blackwing Descent
+ Drakeadon Mongrels can now be taunted.
+ The debuff from Pyreclaw's Flame Buffet now only lasts 8 seconds.
+ The Golem Sentry's Flash Bomb damage has been reduced in the 25-player version.
+ The health of Drakeadon Mongrels and Drakonid Slayers has been reduced in 10- and 25-player versions.
+ Nefarian's Blazing Inferno damage and knockdown radius has been reduced to match the spell effect graphic.
* Items
o Some Vicious Gladiator's weapons (item level 359) incorrectly had their costs increased. This has been corrected. Two-hand and ranged weapons now cost 3400 Conquest Points, while one-hand and caster weapons now cost 2450 Conquest Points.
o All Vicious Gladiator's weapons (item level 372) have been temporarily removed from the Glorious Conquest Quartermasters until the time is right to officially introduce them into Azerothian society.
* PvP
o Many items incorrectly rendered unusable in rated Battlegrounds and Arenas have been made usable again.
* Battlegrounds
o Battle for Gilneas
+ The banners at each capture point now take 8 seconds to capture, up from 5. Note that when the banners are neutral and have not yet been captured by either faction at the start of a battle, they will display the wrong location names (Mine says Farm, Waterworks says Blacksmith, and Lighthouse says Stables).

* Races

o Gift of the Naaru now has a maximum limit to the amount healed when used on friendly NPCs with large amounts of health.
February 9
* Classes
o Haste is again properly increasing resource regeneration rates for applicable melee classes. This fix will require a realm restart to take effect. More information regarding the series of changes pertaining to this issue can be found on our General Discussion forum.
o Death Knights
+ The root that the Frost talent Chilblains gives to Chains of Ice is now properly affected by diminishing returns and shares diminishing returns with other root effects.
+ Dark Transformation now increases pet damage by 60%, down from 80%.
+ Death Coil damage has been reduced by 15%.
+ The pet damage bonus from Shadow Infusion is now 6% per stack, down from 8%.
o Priests
+ Holy Word: Serenity is correctly granting Binding Heal an extra 25% chance to critically hit.
+ Inner Focus now appropriately increases the critical heal chance of Flash Heal, Binding Heal, Greater Heal, and Prayer of Healing.
* Dungeons & Raids
o Bouquet of Ebon Roses and Bouquet of Red Roses (Love Is in the Air) now properly drop from Cataclysm dungeons.
o The Bastion of Twilight
+ Players are no longer instantly killed when auras are removed after defeating Cho'gall.
+ Players affected by Conversion during the Cho'gall encounter will gain the correct amount of Corrupted Blood, and the Corrupted Blood mechanics correctly trigger at the appropriate times.
+ Burning Twilight is now bound to the raid dungeon and cannot be taken outside of the instance to affect other players.
o Blackwing Descent
+ Chimaeron no longer casts Caustic Slime on targets who are affected by Break. Chimaeron now casts Caustic Slime on a tank target if there are not enough players present without Break.
o Deadmines
+ Players should no longer get disconnected when dying in the Vanessa Vancleef encounter on Heroic difficulty.
o Shadowfang Keep
+ Deathstalker Adamant and Sorcerer Ashcrombe now have a gossip option for their respective factions to open the courtyard door while the Love is in the Air event is active.
* Items
o Talismans of the Horde and Alliance are properly only available for purchase from their respective factions.
* Professions
o Orgrimmar and Stormwind Cooking and Fishing daily quests are again granting the proper skill-ups when turned in.
February 8
* General
o Escape Artist again correctly removes movement impairing effects.
o Players who have used the Paid Race Change service to transfer to a goblin or worgen character post-patch 4.0.6 can properly use the Dungeon Finder again.
o Love Is in the Air has been extended by 48 hours. The in-game Calendar should now reflect it runs through February 20.
* Classes
o Druids
+ Disentanglement (new passive specialization) is now properly functioning for Restoration druids, allowing them to get out of root effects by using Shapeshift. Logging out or changing zones no longer causes the spell to be unlearned.
+ Attempting to use Warstomp while in Tree of Life form returns a 'You can't do that yet' error and does not cast the spell.
o Mages
+ Rank 2 of Fingers of Frost now has the correct proc chance.
o Shaman
+ Elemental Overload (Mastery) procs of Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning correctly generate Rolling Thunder charges.
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+ Stormstrike is now correctly proccing Maelstrom Weapon.
o Warlocks
+ Refreshing Immolate with Hand of Gul'dan is now correctly augmented by the Inferno talent, refreshing Immolate to a 21-second duration instead of 15.
* Dungeons & Raids
o Blackwing Descent
+ Maloriak's Aberrations should correctly spawn even if Vile Swills are still alive from the previous phase.
o Shadowfang Keep
+ Lord Walden again correctly uses Ice Shards and Toxic Catalyst.
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o Throne of the Four Winds
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+ Conclave of Wind bosses now correctly regenerate health out of combat.
* Items
o The Fire-Etched Dagger swing speed was too slow and has been updated. The tooltip will not reflect the updated time of 1.7 seconds until a client-side patch can be applied.
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o Heroic and normal versions of Magma Plated Handguards did not have enough Strength and have been updated.
o Heroic and normal version of Sapphirium Handguards did not have enough Strength and have been updated