Is It Too Late To Apologize To My Senior English Teacher?

  • As you know, the Calendars have all been mailed out internationally, so it is too late to stop and correct them. Nevertheless, I have met with the Director of Administration and we have come up with the following damage reduction plan. We will immediately print an erratum sheet and send it to all recipients of the Calendar.
  • What to say: I apologize for handing in a late assignment and understand it is my responsibility to have my work completed on time. I will do my best to improve my grade. Remember, she has responsibilities too, grades have to be in on time, she has to read everyone's papers and usually attend meetings, conferences and graduation without pay.
  • English is not my first language. And I would say that this is the second most challenging grammar online exam I’ve taken so far. Thank you so much, for I have benefited from this. So have the other English learners.

Communication through email has taken over the conventional method of sending letters and provides an instantaneous means of passing messages and sharing information. Given its efficiency, it’s no surprise that email is the preferred mode for official communication, especially in offices and businesses.

Is It Too Late To Apologize To My Senior English Teacher?

Before you apologize on behalf of your organization, speak with your boss, H.R. Team, or a legal professional. But don't use this as an excuse not to say sorry – unless the risk is significant. Is It Too Late to Apologize? One study shows that apologizing too quickly can fail.

However, because it is quick and efficient, people expect prompt responses, which can, if delayed, create a poor impression and hurt your businesses’ reputation. If in case a response from your end is delayed for any reason, you should apologize for it.

Here we will show you how to write an apology for a late response email and will also provide a sample and a template for you to follow.

Tips for Writing an Apology for Late Response Email

  • Maintain a cordial tone throughout
  • Start with the main topic, not the apology
  • Apologize in the 2nd line or paragraph for the delay
  • Clarify why your response got delayed
  • Invite any queries or concerns before signing off
  • Post Event Thank You Email
  • Holiday Application Email


Is It Too Late To Apologize To My Senior English Teacher Dies

  • Sample Apology for Late Response Email

    Subject: Call for Interview
    Dear Mr. David Sullivan,
    I am writing this email in reference to the Job Application you submitted for the position of Marketing Manager at our company, Sun Enterprises.
    I would like to apologize for the late response to your application. You submitted the documents on April 15, 2013, and it has been more than two weeks since then, despite the fact that we promised to get back to you in a week’s time.
    I sincerely apologize for the delayed response and any inconvenience it may have caused you. The main reason for the delay was that our local office was being shifted to another location during this time period and we were not able to reach out to candidates.
    However, we are not taking it as an excuse and we would once again like to apologize for our delayed response. I would like to state that the email has a letter attached to it which is basically the call for your first interview. It also has the list of documents you need to bring with you on the day of the interview.
    We would like to thank you for your cooperation and patience.
    Best regards,
    Daniel Craig
    Director Human Resource
    Sun Enterprises
  • 2

    Template of Apology for Late Response Email

    To: [Email Address of Recipient]
    Subject: [Subject of the Email]
    Respected/Dear Mr./Ms. [Recipients Name],
    I am writing in regards to your email on the (Date of original email) related to the (Subject of the email). Firstly, I would like to apologize for the delay in our response. It has been (Number of days/weeks) since your email and our policy is to reply within (Number of days to reply within).
    However, the delay was a result of (Reason for delay), and was unfortunately not in our control.
    In regards to your original email, we would like to (Your actual response to the email).
    Kindly let us know if you have any concerns or questions.
    Best regards,
    [Your Name]
    [Your Designation]
    [Name of Organization]

Is It Too Late To Apologize To My Senior English Teacher Appreciation

  • Scholarship Application Email
  • Marketing Proposal Email
  • Resume Follow Up Email
  • Staff Condolence Email